Helping your development to success.
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I undertake site visits and meetings in person or remotely via most conferencing programmes. I continue to work safely on existing and new projects post-Covid.
Clare B Wright MRTPI
Chartered Town Planner
Town Planning in London and the Home Counties, for the full range of planning and development for private individuals, developers, investors, community and Film Industry : - Lawful Development Certificates for permitted developments from Office etc. to residential, HMO and householder, film site locations through to full planning applications for developments, renegotiating planning refusals to making objections.
Examples of types of work include from bespoke high quality residential properties with particular expertise in NPPF 84(e) dwellings, complex small works and commercial alterations through to major developments and filming locations.
Desk top planning studies, site visit analysis and capacity studies, policy analysis, pre-application negotiations and consultations with Local Planning Authorities, submission of report to clients, advice on feasibility and options for development to inform Estate Planning and Compulsory Purchase Orders.
Certificates of Lawfulness and planning applications for Film Industry Locations, premises, structures and ancillary works.
The National Planning Policy Framework, published 20 July 2021 (NPPF) and updated December 2023 (and another update in progress) to include greater focus on renewables that highlights the requirements for greater pre-application scheme development and the impetus for Local Planning Authorities to provide Supplementary Planning Documents for guiding the development of sites.
We have indepth experience as former planning officers to assist your development through the pre-application process.
Clare Wright provides an independent, objective view to broker acceptable solutions on planning and design issues at all stages in the planning and enforcement process.
This stand-alone service is particularly useful for architects, other planning consultants and local authorities that have reached an impasse where the next steps are likely to be appeal or enforcement, involving open ended costs and delay. A focused service, typically 1 day meeting and ½ day follow-up.
Mediation aims to reach a settlement or set of actions agreed by both parties.
Clare Wright can be engaged on an in-confidence basis to undertake distinct elements of cases for town planning, bid writing and project and audience development.
This can range from producing funding bids with local residents, community organisations, private developers, and town, parish and District Councils.
Clare Wright has a long track record of public engagement and involvement in community-led planning and neighbourhood planning from the very beginning.
As well as being a neighbourhood plan practitioner, assisting Parish Councils and Forums in creating all aspects of their plan, including policy, public engagement, data capturing, project design etc she has been an Independent Examiner of Neighbourhood Plans, member of NPIERS panel, and Director of Community Spirit Partnership CIC until 2016.
As Independent Examiner Clare examined neighbourhood plans and Community Right to Build Orders across the country. She was Examiner of the country’s first successful Neighbourhood Plan paired with Community Right to Build Orders, for Arun District Council and Ferring Parish Council. This is a Locality case study
Clare brings unique insights from this experience for all projects.
Clare Wright may be engaged as an independent bid writer for various funds for members of the wider community, community groups, private developer partnerships, Parish and Town Councils, local authorities and other professionals.
Copyright © 2018 C.B.Wright & Associates Ltd. - All Rights Reserved.
Company No. 7391971 (reg. in England & Wales).
Reg. Office 123 Marlborough Road, Gillingham, Kent ME7 5HD
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